Technical Specifications
CPU : Motorola MC68EC030 or MC68040 @ 25 MHz + Co-Processors
ROM : 512 Kb
RAM : 2 Mb CHIP RAM + 2 Mb or 4 Mb Fast RAM (up to 16 Mb, and theoretically to 4 Gb)
Display : Monitor
Text display : 60 x 32 / 80 x 32
Graphics display : from 320 x 200 to 800 x 600 or 1280 x 400 and more with overscan
Colours : 16.8 millions, 2 to 256,000 user-definable colours displayable on screen
Sound : Four channel stereo sound, 8 bit D/A converters
Keyboard : Full size QWERTY keyboard
Interface : Centronics, RS232c, IDE port, Audio, mouse/joysticks, RGB, Zorro III, PC AT slots, Video
Data Storage : Hard Disk and Floppy Disk
Power Supply : Internal PSU