Technical Specifications
CPU : Z80 @ 4 MHz
ROM : 32 Kb
RAM : 64 Kb (42 Kb left for user)
Display : Monitor and Television (with optional Modulator)
Text display : 20 x 25 with 16 colours, 40 x 25 with 4 colours and 80 x 25 with 2 colours
Graphics display : 160 x 200 with 16 colours, 320 x 200 with 4 colours and 640 x 200 with 2 colours
Colours : 27
Sound : 3 channels, 8 octaves +1 noise channel
Keyboard : Full size QWERTY keyboard
Interface : Printer port, Bus port, Joystick, Floppy Disk Port, Amstrad monitor Din plug.
Data Storage : Tape or Disk (464 and 664 respectively)
Power Supply : 5v DC (powered by an Amstrad monitor or optional Modulator) + 12v for 664