Technical Specifications
CPU : Motorola MC 68000 @ 8 MHz
ROM : 32 Kb with TOS on disk / 256 Kb with TOS on ROM
RAM : 256 Kb / 512 Kb / 1024 Kb (up to 4 Mb)
Display : Television or Monitor
Text display : 40 or 80 chars. x 25 lines (bitmapped graphics)
Graphics display : 320 x 200 – 640 x 200 or 640 x 400 (this last mode needs a VGA monitor)
Colours : 16 colours among 512 / 4 colours among 512 / monochrome
Sound : 3 voices + 1 noise channel, 8 octaves (Yamaha YM-2149)
Keyboard : Full size QWERTY keyboard
Interface : Cartridge, MIDI, centronics, RS232c, hard disk, floppy disk, RGB, joystick, mouse
Data Storage : Built-in 3.5’’ disk drive, hard disk
Power Supply : Internal PSU