The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Super NES, SNES, Super Nintendo or the Super Famicom) is a 16-bit home video game console developed by Nintendo that was released in 1990 in Japan, 1991 in North America, 1992 in Europe and 1993 in South America.
Technical Specifications
Processor: Ricoh 5A22 based on 65c816 @21 MHz divided by 6, 8 or 12
ROM: Game Roms up to 48 Mbit (6 Mb)
RAM: 128 Kb + 64 Kb VRAM + 64 Kb audio
Display: Television
Text display: Not Applicable
Graphics display: 256 x 224 upto 512 x 239
Colours: 32768 Colours
Sound: 8 Sound Channels
Keyboard: Not Applicable
Interface: Cartridge Ports, Controller Ports, Multi Output
Data Storage: Cartridge Input
Power Supply: External PSU
Software: Literally thousands of games available.
NOTES:- Please turn off system before removing/replacing cartridge