The Nintendo Entertainment System (also abbreviated as NES) is an 8-bit home video game console that was developed and manufactured by Nintendo. It was initially released in Japan as the Family Computer – also known as the Famicom on July 15, 1983. It wasn’t released in Europe until 1986.
Technical Specifications
Processor: Ricoh 2A03 8bit (Mos Tech 6502 core) @ 1.66 MHz
ROM: Game Roms up to 48Kb
RAM: 2Kb
Display options: Television
Graphics capability: 256 x 240
Maximum number of colours: 48 Colours + 5 Greys
Sound capability: 5 Sound Channels
Ports: Cartridge Ports, Controller Ports
Storage: Cartridge Input
Power Supply: External PSU
Price: £129
Software: A wealth of games are available
NOTES:- Please turn off system before removing/replacing cartridge!